Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Well I got ONE thing right..

Okay, so today when I again entered a cooking adventure and attempted to make the fudge, i got it correct. yay lol

But.... as I was bringing the pot to the sink to get washed.. I broke the candy thermometer X[

It turns out, that not paying attention can definitely lead to TROUBLE! All it takes is one little "crash" and BOOM! you're out of a FUDGE TOOL


And, I went to choir practice today, since they asked me to help out on Christmas.
That went, okay, I got yelled at.. so what's new!?!

Poo :(

At least.. I watched the third Ice Age movie, damn I can't believe there are THREE. It was cute.
They managed to make sloth and dinosaur become friends, cute but most likely fake... OR is it? :) Anythings possible!

See, I have a pet rat and a pet kitten. I'd looove to make them friends. And I had planned to try it early in his development process.. but I was afraid too. Rats have big teeth...

I am honestly not afraid for Rocko (my rat) because, he's older, wiser, and my kittens a cute little dope. Who really doesn't mean any harm.

Well, its the holiday's .. Pudginess BEWARE ALL WHO EAT.. side effects such as pudginess could come into effect, shortly after... ew :/

HA ha ha ha :o

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