Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Well, today I had my first ever encounter with the actual cooking of fudge... and let me say that it wasn't pretty! First of all, the directions in my fine cooking magazine?? Sure, I suppose they were direct, but apparently not enough..... I tried to follow them, but they confused me! It was like the steps were in order, but they were missing what was in between.

Anyways... the fudge ended up being too firm, because I obviously allowed the ingredients to boil for too long, therefore making the temperature raise too high..

The sad part was that I didn't being to realize this until I poked the fudge with the candy thermometer, and it was kind of hard...

Proceeding with my plans, I grabbed my electric mixer, and it was sliding around as if the fudge were an ice skating rink..

OIIII, I am going to attempt the fudge again tomorrow, or the next day :)

So I will post how it goes!

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