Saturday, December 26, 2009

this doesn't have a name

The problem with me.?

I am sorry I called you selfish, I didn't mean to let you down. Really I should have let you go the first time around. You pushed past me and I pulled you back, I didn't mean to be such a wreck..

I love you. and I was thinking you didn't love me.
Because you asked to come over and than decided to leave.
Too bad you can't talk to me, I wish that you could.
I talk to you, more than you wished I would.
I love you, and I'm crazy, you probably know...

But still.
You shoved me, and I hit you.
and you give wedgies... then I go nuts

I should have let you go, when you tried to get past
But no, I had to try, I had to try my best.
I didn't mean to hurt you, if i ever have.
Because you know I love you... and that isn't fair..

Nobody likes changes, Not you and never I.
but changes are changes and they keep coming by.
Try to accept them, because they won't go away
and if you need a helping hand I'll hold you any day.

I'm sorry I force you.. into so many things..
I love being around you... so much that I am scared.

Please don't push me away, I wish you would pull me closer.

I know you think I have a big mouth, but then again you bottle things in.
But still, we love each other...

You're amazing, and you make me laugh. you're handsome, and you make me smile. I love the way you smell... it's addicting.

Just stop picking that cat up by his neck thing.

Love you forever, Like you for always, forever and ever my baby you'll be

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Well I got ONE thing right..

Okay, so today when I again entered a cooking adventure and attempted to make the fudge, i got it correct. yay lol

But.... as I was bringing the pot to the sink to get washed.. I broke the candy thermometer X[

It turns out, that not paying attention can definitely lead to TROUBLE! All it takes is one little "crash" and BOOM! you're out of a FUDGE TOOL


And, I went to choir practice today, since they asked me to help out on Christmas.
That went, okay, I got yelled at.. so what's new!?!

Poo :(

At least.. I watched the third Ice Age movie, damn I can't believe there are THREE. It was cute.
They managed to make sloth and dinosaur become friends, cute but most likely fake... OR is it? :) Anythings possible!

See, I have a pet rat and a pet kitten. I'd looove to make them friends. And I had planned to try it early in his development process.. but I was afraid too. Rats have big teeth...

I am honestly not afraid for Rocko (my rat) because, he's older, wiser, and my kittens a cute little dope. Who really doesn't mean any harm.

Well, its the holiday's .. Pudginess BEWARE ALL WHO EAT.. side effects such as pudginess could come into effect, shortly after... ew :/

HA ha ha ha :o

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Well, today I had my first ever encounter with the actual cooking of fudge... and let me say that it wasn't pretty! First of all, the directions in my fine cooking magazine?? Sure, I suppose they were direct, but apparently not enough..... I tried to follow them, but they confused me! It was like the steps were in order, but they were missing what was in between.

Anyways... the fudge ended up being too firm, because I obviously allowed the ingredients to boil for too long, therefore making the temperature raise too high..

The sad part was that I didn't being to realize this until I poked the fudge with the candy thermometer, and it was kind of hard...

Proceeding with my plans, I grabbed my electric mixer, and it was sliding around as if the fudge were an ice skating rink..

OIIII, I am going to attempt the fudge again tomorrow, or the next day :)

So I will post how it goes!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Loser? Here's pictures.

They told me it'd be easy...

I am in no way a skate boarder, the person in this picture is most definitely not me. Whenever I try to get on a skateboard, even if it is inside, I MAKE IT DIFFICULT! So, How does a person maintain such great balance!! Without, being afraid they'll fall on their back, idiotically. It makes no sense to me, Skateboarding is just something I enjoy watching... too bad..

I need a bubble wrap suit @_@

Perhaps that would help?? Either that, or some kind of light-weight armor.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Figuratively Speaking Porn Wise

I always figured that since I have been playing music all my life, along with my dad that, that was just... the path for me. But, I realized that I don't want to be a musician, I want to be a porn star. They get to have sex and make money at the same time, I mean, WHO WOULDN'T GET A DISEASE FOR THAT! Okay, that was a lie. I lied. I'm a liar. .. :)

This morning I woke up thinking I'd be sick because I realized I had a music final, but didn't study... as much as I think I should have. I mean, really, how long is a person supposed to friggin' study!?!? So, I'd really rather just play some sort of video game,.... like dumb guitar hero or rock band.... with the mic... in my hand... it get's a little hot and heavy. So, I am almost on break for a month, yippee.
People would think that porn is the best industry. But, if you have a boyfriend... I wonder what he'll think of you allowing other guys to push your dirty button :O
Zack + Miri make a porno? Kind of funny.. especially since it was a starbucks based porno.

People may wonder what is wrong with me ? I don't care, I speak my mind bitch !
