Saturday, April 30, 2011

Too Much Sex . . . and the City

Sometimes I have nights.. when I watch a billion episodes of Sex and the City. My cousin lent me the entire series, so it's quite hard not to run over, and pop the disc into my computer drive. But man - o - man does it make me think! That show, though some things are quite unrealistic to where life's at, has some good points. Like Carrie, she felt like the only person who wanted to be in a single, two people, man on woman relationship. I don't see anything wrong with wanting that. First of all, it's complicated.. but not to the point where you don't remember the guy from last night's name. That's just sloppy. But this is tricky stuff.. everyone has their own engine, and their own "special" gasoline to make it go. I don't know. I guess it just pissed me off that the episode revolved around three-somes, and than they turn out to be a failure! Well, here's an idea. Don't have one with someone you actually care about, because you'll end up getting JEALOUS. Yeah! Why do people think that they can experiment in that way, and NOT feel jealous...? Boggles me.

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